Watch this Unofficial PlayStation 4 Remote Play PC client in action

We really hope this program ends up being released some time in the future. It looks like it could offer a great Remote Play experience for PlayStation 4 owners.


With the upcoming release on Windows 10, millions of Xbox One owners will be able to enjoy their console from the comfort of their PC through streaming. While PlayStation 4 users have been enjoying remote play on the Vita, Vita TV, and on select Android devices, Sony has yet to deliver a way for us to enjoy the console on our PC. But a developer known as twisted89 is working on an unofficial remote play client for Windows.

Twisted89 uploaded a video of the program running on PC earlier this month, which has a basic GUI, hardware accelerated video, and V-Sync. The program also has dynamic controls with profiles, which allows users to be able to map the DualShock 4 to your keyboard, mouse, controllers, and even joysticks. Twisted89 admits the feature is mostly useless at the moment considering he was playing a game that wasn’t designed to be used to be used with a mouse, plus with the added lag, it made things difficult for him in the following video.

The client is currently in development, which we hope Sony doesn’t attempt to put the kibosh on it. We’d love to be able to play PlayStation 4 games from our PCs, especially if we happen to be traveling. What could make the experience even better is use a DualShock 4 while using the program to offer the ultimate remote play experience.

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