Overwatch video shows (12 minutes of) Mercy

With Overwatch set to enter beta later this year, Blizzard's character overviews continue with new gameplay footage for support character Mercy.


Yesterday, Blizzard started taking a look at the many characters featured in its team-based first-person shooter, Overwatch. After highlighting the guru Zenyatta, today shines the spotlight on a fellow support character, the angelic Mercy.

This video ups the ante slightly with 12 minutes of gameplay footage. Mercy can be seen using her staff to buff and heal allies, while defending herself with her blaster. But her main appeal is in her angelic wings, which allow her to fly across the stage quickly. They also allow her to heal her teammates from more unconventional angles.

The Overwatch beta is in line to start later this year. Those interested can sign up on Battle.net.

Senior Editor

Ozzie has been playing video games since picking up his first NES controller at age 5. He has been into games ever since, only briefly stepping away during his college years. But he was pulled back in after spending years in QA circles for both THQ and Activision, mostly spending time helping to push forward the Guitar Hero series at its peak. Ozzie has become a big fan of platformers, puzzle games, shooters, and RPGs, just to name a few genres, but he’s also a huge sucker for anything with a good, compelling narrative behind it. Because what are video games if you can't enjoy a good story with a fresh Cherry Coke?

From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 14, 2015 4:00 PM

    Ozzie Mejia posted a new article, Overwatch video shows (12 minutes of) Mercy

    • reply
      May 14, 2015 7:20 PM

      Meh. So it's Blizzards TF2? Look like that in a nutshell.

    • reply
      May 14, 2015 8:04 PM

      why the fuck is someone playing this with a controller

    • reply
      May 14, 2015 9:18 PM

      This doesn't look compelling at all. Also why is the healer/damage-boost character German just like in TF2?

      • reply
        May 14, 2015 9:28 PM

        For better or worse, it's probably the best implementation of a medic class's healing function in FPS history. I'd rather they copy it than go with nearly anything else.

        • reply
          May 14, 2015 9:30 PM

          The interesting thing is, there's more than one style. Zenyatta (who was highlighted yesterday) can support teammates with orbs, which felt pretty cool when I played it.

          • reply
            May 14, 2015 9:35 PM

            It was really hard to get a sense of what the player's abilities were actually doing in the video yesterday. I was also distracted by how talky he is.

            • reply
              May 14, 2015 9:42 PM

              Yup. Was too many useless sound effects and UI distractions.

    • reply
      May 14, 2015 9:42 PM

      It looks kinda fun, I suppose. A lot like Team Fortress.

      The visual design bugs me though, it feels so schizophrenic. She's like an anime cypberpunk lady with sci-fi weaponry, but fighting in Egyptian ruins.

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