Where to find the Salewa first aid kit in Escape from Tarkov
Here is how you find the Salewas for the quest "Shortage" in Escape from Tarkov.
“Shortage” is one of the more annoying early quests in Escape from Tarkov. Therapist asks you to find three Salewas first aid kits in raid and hand them over. In this guide, we’ll tell you where to find them, how to craft them, and a neat little trick to finish this quest quickly.
Shortage tricks

Source: Battlestate Games
The special thing about this quest is that you have to find the three Salewas in raidS and then hand three of them over. These don’t have to be the same Salewa first aid kits. So you could, technically, find three of them without extracting from a raid, then hand in three Salewas you have crafted in your hideout. Alternatively, you could also trade Emergency Water Rations or PAID AntiRoach spray respectively with Therapist for a Salewa.
To craft a Salewa, you need a level 1 Medstation in your hideout, which only takes 50;000 roubles and a few common materials to build. There you can use two Esmarchs and two Car first aid kits to craft a Salewa after 40 minutes.
How to find Salewas

Source: Battlestate Games
But you won’t get around having to find Salewas, so here are a few spots you can check. Generally, you can find them in medbags, medical supply crates, caches, and that one blue car at the military checkpoint in Customs. Since they are highly sought after at the start of every season/wipe, some of these areas will be contested.

Source: Battlestate Games
On Woods, one of the hotspots for medical supplies is the Emercom/Container base on the eastern side of the lake. This place is usually swarming with scavs and players, so be careful. Here you’ll find a lot of medical crates, medbags, duffle bags, and loose medical items, all of which could contain or be a Salewa. While you’re here, you might as well look for the Morphine injectors you’ll need for the quest “Painkiller”.

Source: Battlestate Games
Factory is a scary place, even at night. But it's also one of the better spots if you’re looking for medical supplies. The medical tent in the southeastern corner of the ground floor has a medbag and the chance to spawn some loose medical supplies scattered around. While you’re here, you can also check the breakroom on the western side of the map, the duffle bags, and the dead scavs in the shower room above for a change at your Salewa.

Source: Battlestate Games
Customs is also a map you’ll visit a lot early on, so you might as well check it for Salewas. The aforementioned car next to the military checkpoint on the western side of the map is usually a great place to start. The fortress in the middle of the construction zone also has a few supply crates and duffle bags that are always worth a visit. And while you’re here, there is also a medbag in the same building as the old gas station exit.
For more on Escape from Tarkov, check out our dedicated page for more guides and news around Battlestate Games’ extraction shooter.
Timo Reinecke posted a new article, Where to find the Salewa first aid kit in Escape from Tarkov