The weekend is here, which means another edtion of the Shacknews weekly feature, Shack Chat. This week we've got Deadlock on our minds. Our staff have been talking about their mains all week, so we figured it made sense to write it all down and poll you, the Chatty community.
Question: Which Deadlock Hero is your main?
Infernus - Ozzie Mejia, Senior Valve Hero

Source: Valve
I'm a veteran of a different kind of Valve game, so I had to ask myself, who comes closest to being the Team Fortress 2 Pyro? The answer appears to be Infernus, so if I get to fry multiple targets at a time and chase people down with fire, sure! I'm happy to do that.
Ivy - TJ Denzer, Senior Supportive Type

Source: Valve
When jumping into a new MOBA-like game, I don’t like to be on the front line. I might do that somewhere down the line, but I’d rather heal folks that have more experience and keep them in the fight if I can, so I usually start with supportive or defensive characters. That’s why Ivy is great for me. Her entire gist is helping other characters get it done. She has a few tools for solo play, like the bramble grenade for damage-over-time and slowing and her stone drop for stunning targets, but she’s at her best when tethering to allies and giving them increased healing, fire rate, and damage. Also, she’s a cool gargoyle and can fly allies around and drop them on unsuspecting foes. She’s fun, and I really think I’m going to be able to help other players make some awesome plays with her kit once I get the hang of Deadlock.
Dynamo - Asif Khan, CEO/EIC/EIEIO

Source: Valve
Despite having played zero games of Deadlock, I am going to choose the robot with a bowtie for my main. I simply haven’t had time to play the game yet, but I almost selected Paradox because they are wearing a snazzy ascot. The game isn’t even fully released yet, and I am already a filthy casual.
Infernus - Bill Lavoy, Fire Starter

Source: Valve
Whether it’s in FPS games like Delta Force or a MOBA like Deadlock, I love to blow things up and set them on fire. Infernus’ AOE damage was all I needed to see to know this was a character I would want to play. Now, to be transparent, I haven’t played Deadlock yet (it’s installed), but I think that makes this Shack Chat more fun for me. I get to guess which character I will gravitate towards by doing some research, then see how it all works out in the end.
Warden - Sam Chandler, Stop right there, criminal scum!

Source: Valve
So far, I've been thoroughly enjoying my time playing as Warden, provided I actually get to play him. Sometimes, I'm out of luck and my opponent gets to play as the bobby or even someone else on my team. But when I do get to put my little policeman hat on, boy howdy do I enjoy lobbing 'nades and trapping my opponents.
I think his kit is pretty great for solo lanes and for a more generalized playstyle. It's still a mystery to me what I should be building, though. Do I need to focus on damage, spirit, or maybe I need to be more health oriented?
Wraith - Donovan Erskine, Sinnoh League Champion

Source: Valve
I have a bad habit of playing a new multiplayer game, selecting a character on day one, and then developing an undying loyalty to them over time. When I jumped into Deadlock, I selected Wraith. I love her 1920s gangster aesthetic, and her ability to quickly escape an overwhelming encounter is quite appealing to a noob like myself. She feels like she could be the protagonist of a totally different game, which is a testament to Valve’s character design.
Kelvin - Steve Tyminski, Ice is Nice!

Source: Valve
What character would be my main for Deadlock? That is a good question because I’m not the biggest fan of these types of games. That being said, I think I’m going to go with Kelvin as my choice. Kelvin is a good option for beginners and I think I would fit into that category. Being able to change playstyles on the fly is something I like to do and Kelvin’s attacks/skills allow for the that to happen. He is also quick, so being able to get away from players is a plus too. I really like to idea of being able to freeze/slow down enemies. Having good defense as well as a good offense is key to my survival and Kelvin has those in spades. My main for Deaklock is Kelvin, the ice user!
Those are our picks for our mains in Deadlock. Let us know which character you plan to main yourself, and if you want to do some reading before you hop in, visit our Deadlock topic page right here on Shacknews.
Shack Staff posted a new article, Shack Chat: Which Deadlock Hero is your main?