ShackStream: Taking Livonia

In this week's DayZ Survivor School, the gang will continue roaming through Livonia for more shooting' & lootin'.


DayZ Survivor School takes on Livonia for real this week, as star student TJ Denzer returns to find his way around a map that is brand new to him. His absence last week allowed Jan, Bill, and Dusty to get a better lay of the land, and they are now prepared to share their newfound wisdom.

Set to go live at 7 p.m. PDT/10 p.m. EDT, the group, will try to connect in the Northern reaches of Livonia, a particularly dangerous area populated by fresh spawns with nothing to lose and fully geared players looking for easy targets. The goal will be to get TJ into the action and let him take the lead. After uneventful trips all over Chenarus, we suspect TJ is in for a shock, and we hope you'll join us to find out how he handles it.

Tune in if you get the chance. We always appreciate you watching, chatting, and of course hitting us with that free Prime Gaming subscription if you have one burning a hole in your pocket.

SEO & Technical Consultant

Jan has been playing video games for nearly 30 years and been a passionate geek for the better part of his life. When he's not grinding his way through Destiny in search of further lore, he can often be found neck deep in source code of various apps and websites. Feel free to ask him about whether or not Guardians are actually evil or not, and whether or not he'll give you some free SEO tech tips. You can follow him on Twitter @ChalkOne.

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