Pizza Tower will make one of its bosses playable in free update

Players will be able to play through the game as The Noise in what the developer calls a sort of 'New Game+'.


Last year, Pizza Tower hit us with a wacky world of pizza-themed platformer action, delighting players and earning itself a wealth of praise. This year, as we cross the first anniversary of Pizza Tower’s release, the game is set to get an update that will make a new character playable. It’s the obnoxious goober that acts as the third boss of the game, otherwise known as The Noise, and his playthrough in Pizza Tower changes other stuff about the game as well.

Pizza Tower developers Tour de Pizza shared the details about the upcoming free update via the Pizza Tower Twitter. Soon, players will be able to play through the entire game as The Noise. If you didn’t know, The Noise is a pretty on-the-nose reference to The Noid, which was a mascot for Domino’s Pizza for a while. Similar to The Noid, The Noise is a wacky little creeper that has access to pogo sticks, bombs, and jet packs when you fight him as the third boss in the game.

Pizza Tower tweet about The Noise becoming a playable character in a free update.
The Noise will become a playable character in Pizza Tower in an upcoming free update.
Source: Tour de Pizza

As for what you get to do with The Noise, the developers described his playthrough in Pizza Tower as “sort of a New Game+.” It seems you still get to play through all the levels, but they’ll be changed slightly to make things interesting. It also doesn’t look like you’ll have Noise’s bombs or pogo stick, but he does get his jetpack for big jumps, as well as a skateboard for sick Noise tricks when you sprint with him in the game.

All-in-all, Noise is silly as all get-out and looks like a fun reason to play the game again. The update isn’t out yet, but it should be coming shortly. If you haven’t played, you should absolutely check the game out and see why it made #3 on our Top 23 Games of 2023, as well as why it’s our 2023 Game That Should Be On Nintendo Switch.

Senior News Editor

TJ Denzer is a player and writer with a passion for games that has dominated a lifetime. He found his way to the Shacknews roster in late 2019 and has worked his way to Senior News Editor since. Between news coverage, he also aides notably in livestream projects like the indie game-focused Indie-licious, the Shacknews Stimulus Games, and the Shacknews Dump. You can reach him at and also find him on Twitter @JohnnyChugs.

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