The Missing Jewel Local Concerns - Detective Pikachu Returns

If you'd like to help everybody during your search for the Aurora Drop, here's what you need to do.


Part of being a good detective means helping as many people as possible. For Detective Pikachu Returns, solving the case you were hired for is important, but don't forget to take care of the little guy. There are some Local Concerns that pop up throughout the game, and you may want to help those people and Pokemon for the sake of doing the right thing. We're ready to do our part to help here at Shacknews by walking you through these side quests, starting with The Missing Jewel.

Detective Pikachu Returns - The Missing Jewel Local Concerns

Here are the Local Concerns you'll find in The Missing Jewel and how to complete them.

Find the lost Lillipup

Meeting Lillipup for the first time in Detective Pikachu Returns
Who's a good boy?
Source: Nintendo
  1. You'll run into your first Local Concern automatically as you leave the Denis Residence the first time. This Pokemon owner has lost her Lillipup and needs Tim and Pikachu's help to find it.
  2. Go to the northwest end of Fountain Plaza. You'll find a Trubbish, who will skitter away when confronted. Follow it into the Back Alley.
  3. The Trubbish is gone, but explore farther into the Back Alley and you'll find Lillipup in the corner. Talk to it to cue up a scene with its owner and close the case.

Find a practice partner for the soccer boy

The soccer boy asks for help in Detective Pikachu Returns
The soccer boy needs a partner for his upcoming game.
Source: Nintendo
  1. Start up this Local Concern by talking to the soccer boy along the top of Fountain Plaza. He's looking for a partner to help even the odds on the pitch against the opposing team and their Scrafty.
  2. Your star player is over in Serenity Park. Upon walking down the path, take the first left turn to find a Raboot in the corner. Talk to it to bring over the soccer boy and close the case.

Take the quiz professor's Pokemon quiz

The first Quiz Professor encounter in Detective Pikachu Returns
The Quiz Professor can be found near the end of Serenity Park.
Source: Nintendo
  1. The Quiz Professor is located right before the Terrace entrance in Serenity Park. Talk to her to begin the questions, whether you want them or not.
  2. The first question is What Pokemon catches prey using its looong tongue? Walk down the path to the left and stop to talk to Lickitung to get your answer.
  3. The second question is What Pokemon uses its cute looks to put you off guard so it can steal from you? The answer is Purrloin, located on the opposite corner of Serenity Park. Walk down the path to the left, head north, then hang a sharp left at the fountain. Chat with Purrloin and then go back to the professor.
  4. The last question is Best buds stick together — what Pokemon moves as a group? The answer is practically in front of your face. It's the Falinks that's just up the stairs next to the Quiz Professor.
  5. Talk to the Quiz Professor after getting all of the answers to clear this Local Concern.

Those are all of the Local Concerns for The Missing Jewel. There are more people in Ryme City who will need your help, so be sure to follow the Detective Pikachu Returns topic page for more information.

Senior Editor

Ozzie has been playing video games since picking up his first NES controller at age 5. He has been into games ever since, only briefly stepping away during his college years. But he was pulled back in after spending years in QA circles for both THQ and Activision, mostly spending time helping to push forward the Guitar Hero series at its peak. Ozzie has become a big fan of platformers, puzzle games, shooters, and RPGs, just to name a few genres, but he’s also a huge sucker for anything with a good, compelling narrative behind it. Because what are video games if you can't enjoy a good story with a fresh Cherry Coke?

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