Weekend Discussion - March 11, 2023

The Arc World Tour, Conker, Resident Evil, and more for your Saturday.


Welcome to the weekend! Let's jump into the Saturday edition of Weekend Discussion.

Checking in on the Arc World Tour

The finals for Guilty Gear Strive and DNF Duel are getting ready to air. We're also expecting news from this event, so come back to Shacknews later tonight for more.


We're in for some fun on Monday!


Matt McMuscles takes a look back at Conker's Bad Fur Day.

Evil evolved

We're going to have a lot to say about Resident Evil 4 in the weeks ahead.

Weekend grooves

Miley Cyrus, take us home!

That's it for this Weekend Discussion! We're excited to hear from you, too, so join the conversation and dive into the Shacknews Chatty comment thread below. I'll see you all next week!

Senior Editor

Ozzie has been playing video games since picking up his first NES controller at age 5. He has been into games ever since, only briefly stepping away during his college years. But he was pulled back in after spending years in QA circles for both THQ and Activision, mostly spending time helping to push forward the Guitar Hero series at its peak. Ozzie has become a big fan of platformers, puzzle games, shooters, and RPGs, just to name a few genres, but he’s also a huge sucker for anything with a good, compelling narrative behind it. Because what are video games if you can't enjoy a good story with a fresh Cherry Coke?

From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola