Devious Thievery King's Fall raid challenge - Destiny 2
Complete the Devious Thievery challenge at Warpriest in the King's Fall raid for extra loot in Destiny 2.
The Devious Thievery challenge in the King’s Fall raid in Destiny 2 requires a lot of quick movement. To complete this challenge, players will need to use the Brand Claimer buff extremely quickly during the Warpriest fight. Spend too long with the buff and you’ll fail the challenge, missing out on some nice rewards. Here is how my team managed to complete this challenge on Day One, under Contest Mode – so you know it works!
Devious Thievery challenge - Warpriest
To complete the Devious Thievery challenge, do not hold the Brand Claimer buff for more than five (5) seconds during the Warpriest encounter. This means that after killing the Blightguard and picking up the Brand Claimer, you have five (5) seconds to take the Brand of the Initiate from your teammate. The timing here is extremely tight, which is why it’s a good idea to use the following strategy.
The easiest way to complete Devious Thievery is to move as a group. As soon as someone receives the Brand of the Initiate, the first Blightguard will spawn. Everyone should move to where the Blightguard spawns so that whoever picks up the Brand Claimer is right beside the Brand holder. Once Brand has been taken, the whole team should move to the final Blightguard.

While this method does mean you miss out on a few seconds of damage while you transition, it makes it easier for the player who kills the Blightguard and grabs the Brand Claimer. They won’t need to sprint across the map or do any Eager Edge trickery.
To stretch out the damage phase, kill the Blightguard immediately but leave the Brand Claimer buff on the ground. The Brand of the Initiate holder will count down, and when there is roughly 5-7 seconds left on the timer, the Brand Claimer will pick up the buff and then take the Brand.
One other tip to note is that the Blightguards will not spawn where the Brand of the Initiate was collected. If you collect the Brand from the middle, these Taken Knights will spawn on left and right. Take a look at our Warpriest guide for more help with the encounter.
Completing the Devious Thievery challenge in King’s Fall takes a bit of work. You will need to ensure your DPS game is on point as this challenge invariably means time is wasted during the damage phase. Read over our Destiny 2 Strategy Guide for more information about this raid and the others.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Devious Thievery King's Fall raid challenge - Destiny 2