Evening Reading - August 19, 2022

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

Greetings, Quake lovers and Pokemon addicts! It's time for a fresh round of news, memes, and entertainment. This is the Friday edition of Evening Reading!

In case you missed it at Shacknews:

And, because it's the weekend, go find yourself something to play!

Around the gaming horn

The latest Path of Exile update is now available on PC! Console owners, your time comes next week.

The latest Rainbow Six Siege update is coming. We'll have more on this later this weekend.

Here's the latest deep dive into TAIKO NO TATSUJIN: Rhythm Festival, which is coming to Switch on September 23.

And now... Other Stuff From The Internet!!!


So remember this story from earlier this week?

This went exactly as well as everyone expected it to go. Let's rummage through some of the stories.

So, the moral of the story is, ad execs never learn. Ad execs in 99 percent of cases don't understand young people. And... well... this guy explains it better than me.

Hopefully, Count Chocula's stream in October goes better than this.

No, take the drugs AFTER you leave!

Usually, the rave happens after you leave the pharmacy, not outside its door.

Maddy Thorson's back on her bulls***

Celeste creator Maddy Thorson is fresh off contributing to the Summer Games Done Quick Super Mario World relay race, so now she's back on a Super Mario Maker 2 kick. Watch CarlSagan42 try to navigate this speed level that's more than meets the eye.

Rumbleverse Week 2

Let's check back in with Iron Galaxy's new battle royale!

Here's Big Cheese getting musical, fresh off his stream with Tony the Tiger. (Yes, he was there for that.)

Kitana Prime with the old Salmonella strategy.

Illfonic Social Media Manager Mike Robles is taking some time away from helping promote the new Ghostbusters game to drop the Macho Man elbow, brother!

It only hurts more if you try to run.

In case anyone thinks this is just luck or nonsense, we've got lab combos going on here.

And lastly...

Hey, if they're going to chase you relentlessly like a b-hole, you take them down with you.

Nothing but the Hotfix

For this week's Hotfix, we look at a fascinating new randomizer. It's the Elden Ring boss randomizer and the objective here is a full boss rushh. The target time is 2:50:00. Sit back and enjoy this different way to play one of the best games of the year.

GDQ's Hotfix shows air every week and you can catch them all at the Games Done Quick Twitch account.

This week in Shaqnews

Even if they had their differences, at the end of the day, it's always going to be Shaq & Kobe.


Guess who ELSE is back!


Tonight in video game music

Well, we've got something special here tonight.

Enjoy the Kirby 30th Anniversary Music Fest, straight from the Nintendo YouTube channel.

That's your Evening Reading to send you into this third weekend of August! Keep the spirit of the classic Evening Reading alive by jumping into the comments about whatever you see here or whatever randomness you'd like to discuss. Join the conversation and dive into the Shacknews Chatty comment thread below. I'll see you all next week!