Points of Connection - Destiny 2
Curious as to why you can't complete the Points of Connection Triumph in Destiny 2?
Players who browse through their Triumphs in Destiny 2 may be confused by one that appears bugged. Points of Connection is currently sitting uncompleted for all Guardians, and the Triumph itself tells you how to correct this. If you’re not sure why this isn’t working, we can help you get sorted out.
Points of Connection

Points of Connection is a Triumph in Destiny 2 that requires eight steps to complete. The most steps any Guardian can complete at this time is seven. The final step is not bugged, but it’s not available at this point in Season of the Lost. The reason it confuses people is because the Triumph’s description tells Guardians to visit the Season of the Lost radio within the Awoken wing of the H.E.L.M. When you do this, nothing happens if you’ve already completed the first seven steps. The reason for this is that the story content required to complete the eighth step hasn’t gone live yet, so we’re all in a holding pattern. If you’re stuck on step seven of eight for Points of Connection, rest assured you are caught up and there’s nothing you need to do yet.
If you’re not on step seven of eight for Points of Connection, your current task to catch up is to continue the Season of the Lost story content that involves Astral Alignment and the Shattered Realm. The quest you need to follow along with is called Wayfinder’s Voyage, and Shacknews has a full walkthrough for you to follow to catch up.
Now that you know what’s going on with Points of Connection, be sure to spend some time browsing through our Destiny 2 guide. We’ve been working on that for years now, curating a collection of content that is sure to be of value to all Guardians no matter their experience or skill level.
Bill Lavoy posted a new article, Points of Connection - Destiny 2