Dark Horse Comics interview - How DH helps companies with collectible distribution

Not only do they churn out great comics and collectibles, they also work to help distribute merchandise for other companies.


Loads of folks who love collecting all things comics, movies, video games, and anime feverishly look forward to the annual New York Toy Fair. At this event, the world’s best collectible companies gather in The Big Apple to show off their newest designs for the year to a mass of their most dedicated customers. Predictably, Dark Horse comics were at the show, exhibiting a wide range of comic memorabilia and products. 

While on-location at the New York Toy Fair in February, the Shacknews street team got the opportunity to speak with many of the exhibitors, including Dark Horse. We spoke with them about their products, but also got into a deep dive on how they help other firms get high-quality products into the retail chain.

During the interview, new products from First Four Figures were the main focus of conversation. First Four is well-known for producing some of the finest licensed video game figures on Earth, including items from franchises like Mario Bros., Sonic the Hedgehog, Mega Man, Gears of War, and much more.  

While consumers can purchase these collectibles directly from First Four, the team at Dark Horse has been assisting the company with getting the figures into the vast array of retail stores across the country. Making deals with hundreds of potential retail companies and vendors can be a logistical nightmare for even the biggest companies, much less a smaller operation like First Four. This is where Dark Horse comes in, using their years of experience in the industry to help FIrst Four gain a physical retail presence that will help spur growth and even more cool figures in the future.

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Contributing Tech Editor

Chris Jarrard likes playing games, crankin' tunes, and looking for fights on obscure online message boards. He understands that breakfast food is the only true food. Don't @ him.

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