Seventh Seraph CQC-12 god roll - Destiny 2
Study the perks for the PvE and PvP god roll of the Seventh Seraph CQC-12 in Destiny 2.
It’s not enough to get a good weapon in Destiny 2, you must also get a good roll and, ideally, a god roll. This can be a time-consuming process, but a weapon with a god roll can change the game for the better in both PvP and PvE. Today, we’ll be looking at the Seventh Seraph CQC-12 god roll for both PvP and PvE.
Seventh Seraph CQC-12 god roll

Just a quick note before we dig in. God rolls are subjective. Generally, a list of perks will emerge for each category or column on the weapon. If you get any combination of those perks, you have a god roll. For this guide, I’ll be choosing one perk from each column that stands above the rest for both PvP and PvE. I highly encourage you to use a site like to study up on perk combinations. Don’t just take my word, or the word of anyone else.
The Seventh Seraph CQC-12 is an Energy Shotgun that does Solar damage. It uses the Lightweight Frame and, by default, as a Range of 49. To put that into perspective, Dust Rock Blues, which is a Kinetic Shotgun with a Precision Frame, has a Range of 69. Players rolling with the Dust Rock Blues will be able to hit you from further away, although the Seventh Seraph CQC-12 can fire faster. For our god roll in PvP, we are on the hunt for Range.
PvP god roll
- Barrel: Rifled Barrel (+10 Range, -15 Handling)
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds (+10 Range)
- Perk 1: Quickdraw
- Perk 2: Snapshot Sights
With this roll, Guardians now have a Shotgun that has 69 Range, equal to the base level Range for a Dust Rock Blues, 57 Handling, 16 more than the Dust Rock Blues, and it fires 15 rounds per minute more. This, of course, is not factoring in any perks on the Dust Rock Blues. You could also replace Quickdraw with the Slideshot perk, or Vorpal Weapon with Snapshot Sights, and you’d still have a god roll.
PvE god roll
- Barrel: Corkscrew Rifling (+5 Range, +5 Handling, +5 Stability)
- Magazine: Tactical Mag (+5 Stability, +10 Magazine, +10 Reload Speed)
- Perk 1: Lead from Gold
- Perk 2: Trench Barrel
In PvE, we’re not so concerned about Range, so we’ve picked perks that focus on increased Stability, better Reload Speed, and even a larger Magazine rating. When it comes to perks, Lead from Gold will mean that every time you pick up Heavy ammo, you get ammunition for this weapon. Also, Trench Barrel means that any time you melee, you get increased damage, Handling, and Reload Speed.
For me, I’ll give the Seventh Seraph CQC-12 a shot in PvP, but I’m thinking it’s more of a PvE Shotgun given it’s an Energy weapon. I’m also fond of using Le Monarque in my Energy slot, so this would mess up my PvP loadout. However, give it a shot and see if it has a place in your PvP life. If it doesn’t, take it into a lost sector or two and try it out. When you’re done, hit up our Destiny 2 strategy guide for more content like this.
Bill Lavoy posted a new article, Seventh Seraph CQC-12 god roll - Destiny 2