Bossa Studios announces narrative adventure The Bradwell Conspiracy

The latest game from Surgeon Simulator and I am Bread developer Bossa Studios is The Bradwell Conspiracy, a first-person narrative adventure.


Bossa Studios is known for titles such as I am Bread, which is a game effectively about living the life of a piece of bread. Safe to say the developers are known for unique ideas, but the studio's latest may be even more off-the-wall than players might expect.

It's called The Bradwell Conspiracy, and its a new first-person release with something of a future-utopia vibe. According to a press release for the game's reveal, The Bradwell Conspiracy "places the player as an unnamed museum visitor waking up in the aftermath of an explosion at the Bradwell Stonehenge Museum’s Solstice 2026 Gala. To escape the chaos the player must work with Amber, A Bradwell Employee trapped elsewhere in the collapsing building."

The overall theme is one of "corporate duplicity," which certainly comes through in the announcement trailer featured above. The press release continues to state that the game uses "A Brutalist art style unique to the Bradwell universe," and features a cast of voice actors including Rebecca LaChance, Jonathan Ross, and Abubakar Salim.

"Collaborating with Bossa Studios has enabled us to go beyond our original scope and bring The Bradwell Conspiracy to five different platforms and to localize it into 15 languages," director George Backer said in the release. "We’re eager for players across the world to dive in and experience our vision of how future technology can be inspiring in the right hands - or terrifying in the wrong ones.”

The Bradwell Conspiracy will release for PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch sometime this fall. The publishers have also indicated that it will be made available through Apple Arcade when the service launches sometime around November. More information can be found at the game's official website. To stay on top of other new releases and upcoming launches, be sure to bookmark Shacknews' 2019 video game release date schedule.

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