Where to find containers with windows in Fortnite Season 10

Learn how to find containers with windows in Fortnite Season 10, so that you can complete this week's challenges.


If you’re trying to complete all of the challenges in this week of Fortnite Season 10, then you’re going to find yourself tasked with searching chests in containers with windows. Fortunately, you’ll only need to find and loot five chests in containers with windows to complete this challenge. We’ve managed to find around seven containers hidden around the map so far, though we’ll continue to update this guide as we discover additional locations.

Where to find containers with windows in Fortnite Season 10

The first step to finding containers with windows is to understand exactly what you’re looking for. The title of this challenge can be a bit confusing, so let’s go ahead and sort some things out right quick. First off, these containers don’t actually have windows. Instead, the windows are simply spray painted onto the sides of them. What you’re actually looking for are regular shipping containers that have been marked with the window spray.

Now that you know exactly what you’re looking for, let’s cover some locations.

Scrapyard south of Paradise Palms

Starting out, we’ll be heading down to the scrapyard just south of Paradise Palms. This particular container is located in the southern area of the scrapyard. Look out for the red container, and then search the side to find the window painted onto the side of it. We’ve marked the location on a map that we’ve included here.

Fortnite - container with windows at scrapyard

South of the Pressure Plant

The next couple of containers that you can find are located just south of the Pressure Plant, along the lava stream that runs out of the volcano. The first container is located a little lower in the stream, on a small plot of land, while the second one is up next to a few rocks. Check the map below for more info on where to look.

Fortnite - container with windows south of pressure plant

Around Dusty Depot

As the seasons have continued, Dusty Divot has now become Dusty Depot once more, with the warehouse and factories returning to the area. You can find two containers with windows in this section of the map, so head to the place we’ve marked below and start looking around.

Fortnite - container with windows near Dusty Depot

Northeast of Happy Hamlet

Grab your parkas and make your way to the warehouses northeast of Happy Hamlet. Here you’ll find a couple of containers with windows marked on their sides just waiting to be looted. We’ve marked the exact location on the map here to help you narrow things down.

Fortnite - container with windows near Happy Hamlet

Now that you know where to find at least seven containers with windows, you should be able to knock this challenge out pretty quickly. For more help, make sure you head back over to our Fortnite guides hub, where we break down other difficult tasks you need to complete this season.

Guides Editor

Joshua holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and has been exploring the world of video games for as long as he can remember. He enjoys everything from large-scale RPGs to small, bite-size indie gems and everything in between.

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