Apple announces new Photos app with Days, Months, Years

New tools, sorting options, and filters land for both camera and video captures in the latest update coming to Photos on Apple devices.


A host of new features aimed squarely at photography enthusiasts are landing in Photos on iOS devices. Announced by Apple in the latest WWDC 2019 presentation, new options including adjustable portrait lighting, a new layout for filters and adjustment settings, as well as the option to edit videos straight from the Photos app.

iOS users will likely immediately notice the new changes coming to the camera app. Now, adjustments are front-and-center, giving photographers easier access to all the options they need to make their captures pop. The portrait mode in particular has been given some love, with new options to adjust portrait lighting with results that appear to change the location and distance of the light in the source photo.

Apple WWDC 2019 Camera days weeks months years

Even better, Apple has introduced a suite of several new customization tools, including adjustments to brilliance, highlights, shadows, contrast, saturation, vibrance, white balance, sharpness, definition, noise reduction, vignette, and of course, the ever-convenient auto enhance option.

Additional adjustments are coming to videos, too. Not only can users make use of new filters, they can also adjust videos straight from their iOS devices, including the option to finally change video orientation.

Apple WWDC 2019 photos camera video options filters adjustments

On top of all this, iOS users on both iPhone and iPad will note that Photos can now be sorted chronologically in set intervals. Photos can now be sorted by Days, Months, and Years, letting photographers relive some of their favorite moments, be it a one-day vacation or entire year's worth of family moments.

There are all sorts of new announcements coming out of Apple with regard to Photos as well as watchOS and even the iPad. Be sure to stay on top of the latest developments by heading over to Shacknews' WWDC 2019 home page.

Guides Editor

Kevin Tucker is a core component of Shacknews' powerful guide development team. For questions, concerns, tips, or to share constructive criticism, he can be reached on Twitter @dukeofgnar or through e-mail at

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