Red Dead Online gets Gold Bar bonus, Gun Rush updates & more

Red Dead Online beta players can look forward to a Gold Bar bonus and updates to the game.


Red Dead Online beta players will have a hefty Gold Bar bonus to look forward to this weekend, as well as upgrades to the game overall.

Rockstar Games has announced a special bonus of 5 Gold Bars for Red Dead Online players worldwide as a token of the company's gratitude for player "support and understanding" while the beta has been going on. Active players who log in and play between today, January 25, and Sunday, January 27, will qualify for the gold bonus. It will be delivered to accounts by Tuesday, January 29.

There have also been a few changes made to the beta's new Gun Rush mode, with problems resolved in terms of matchmaking. Rockstar's fixes should help create fuller lobbies for the time being, and the team has noted it will be working on more permanent and "proper" fixes for the future. If you previously had issues finding folks to play with, Rockstar encourages you to try it this weekend to see if the experience has changed.

Gun Rush, for anyone who hasn't yet hopped in-game to experience it, is a Western battle royale for up to 32 players that can be played with Teams or as Free For All. Like the typical battle royale setup, there is a shrinking battle zone with horses to get from point A to point B, as well as the need to scrounge for weapons and items. The team is seeking feedback for things you like and don't like about the mode, so be sure to share it with them as you play and explore.

Additionally, there are additional "fixes, changes, and improvements" being added to the mix based on player feedback, as well as quality of life improvements. Law and Bounty improvements are coming, Daily Challenges with gold nugget rewards, and proximity-based player blips are coming in addition to parley changes. There's also a new freeform dynamic coming for bounty hunters and criminals. This and much more is currently planned for a title update that's scheduled to release in the next few months. Rockstar is planning on offering more information on the title update soon, so we'll make sure you're up to date when that information gets out.

Senior Editor

Fueled by horror, rainbow-sugar-pixel-rushes, and video games, Brittany is a Senior Editor at Shacknews who thrives on surrealism and ultraviolence. Follow her on Twitter @MolotovCupcake and check out her portfolio for more. Like a fabulous shooter once said, get psyched!

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