Youtube is currently down, 503 and 500 network errors preventing video playback

The world's most popular video streaming network appears to be down, with 503 and 500 network errors preventing all forms of video playback.


Internet users who are making their usual rounds have likely already noticed that YouTube appears to be down, with 500 Internal Server Error messages and 503 Network Error messages cropping up all over. The problem seems to have appeared just recently, perhaps within the last 30 minutes, with the YouTube front page either appearing completely blank or being populated with empty thumbnails.

Users who stop by pages with YouTube embeds — such as our Monster Energy Supercross 2 hands-on preview, for instance — will notice a small error message with a lengthy text-based code in lieu of the intended video content:

Frustrating as the problem may be, perhaps users will find some comfort from the image of a hammer-wielding monkey wearing a red hat and a surprised expression. The YouTube team has stated via Twitter that they're working on a fix right now:

Until such a time as a fix is released, however, internet users will just have to bide their time. We recommend filling the void by stopping by our extensive video game release schedule for 2018, wherein users can catch up on the latest new games and hottest upcoming releases.

Guides Editor

Kevin Tucker is a core component of Shacknews' powerful guide development team. For questions, concerns, tips, or to share constructive criticism, he can be reached on Twitter @dukeofgnar or through e-mail at

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