E3 2018: Trials Rising Producer Talks Action, Creation, & Competition

Shacknews gets the inside scoop on the latest thrills in upcoming Red Lynx release Trials Rising.


Do you go hard? Are gnarly frontflips and casual cordovas your bread and butter? Do you harbor no fear of fiery fatalities? If so, Trials Rising may be the game for you. Shacknews had a chance to sit down with Julius Fondem, associate producer on Trials Rising, at E3 2018 to discuss some of the game's highest-flying moments and most outrageous mechanics.

In addition to another peek at the game's latest trailer, Fondem provides a lot of extra details that should whet the appetites of gaming and motocross fans across the world. Trials Rising is more than a simple sequel; the game returns to the series' roots of creativity and competition, but with loads of extras tacked on, like new cosmetic items, new track editor choices, and refined community and sharing controls.

On top of all this, Trials Rising will include both local and online multiplayer, the latter of which accomodating up to eight different players. The game will also include a robust ghost racing system where players can race against the best times set by riders across the world.

Like many of the games being shown off at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo, Trials Rising doesn't have a firm release date just yet. That said, players can expect to get their hands on the latest Trials experience when it releases for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC in February of 2019.

Guides Editor

Kevin Tucker is a core component of Shacknews' powerful guide development team. For questions, concerns, tips, or to share constructive criticism, he can be reached on Twitter @dukeofgnar or through e-mail at kevin.tucker@shacknews.com.

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