All Stories Tagged: Might and Delight

Shelter gameplay trailer is delightful, horrifying

Excitement at the announcement of Shelter in April turned into delight when I started watching the first gameplay trailer this morning, then into horror when it showed the uncaring and terrifying nature of nature. Pid developer Might and Delight's story of a mother badger protecting her kits is looking pretty lovely all right, and bound to break my heart.

Badger 'em up Shelter announced by Pid dev

Do you remember that funny Flash video about badgers and mushrooms? Oh, how you laughed as you sang the song months after the novelty had worn off! But a real badger's life is not all singing and dancing, according to Might and Delight. The maker of Pid today announced Shelter, an "original emotional experience" which'll have you protecting a litter of badger cubs as their mother.

Pid getting free Challenge Rooms DLC

Free DLC is coming to Might and Delight's gorgeous puzzle-platformer Pid in the form of Challenge Rooms. Expect misery, woe, and abstract challenge from the new levels, which have a curious retro style, like a painterly VVVVVV.

Pid lights up Halloween on PC and Xbox 360

Halloween will be a spooky time, between macabre costumes, monster movie marathons, and chilling new releases like Natural Selection 2 and Painkiller: Hell & Damnation, but thankfully there's one ray of light (or two, actually). Charming puzzle-platformer Pid will also launch on that dark night, developer Might & Delight has announced, tossing levitating light beams around to lift you up and out of the mire.

Hello, Meet Lola