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Heavy Bullets fires out of Steam Early Access on Thursday

By Ozzie Mejia, Sep 15, 2014 11:40am PDT

Devolver Digital and Terri Vellmann have their guns cocked and fully loaded and are ready to fire out the final version of Heavy Bullets this Thursday.


"7,49€ asking price, most likely 10 amero dollars. Slightly related note: RECEIVER is the ..."

- Vogerl see all 2 comments

Heavy Bullets teaches the virtues of bullet control on PC

By Ozzie Mejia, May 19, 2014 5:00pm PDT

Devolver Digital and developer Terri Vellman have released a roguelike FPS called Heavy Bullets onto Steam Early Access, which sees players wield a single revolver with a small, finite number of oversized bullets.


"This game is good, really good for an Early Access title. The death cycle has that Spelunky feel ..."

- crummynz see all 5 comments