Daily Filter: August 11, 2011

Today's Filter features a chaotic Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine developer diary, a 12-minute gameplay trailer for Saints Row: The Third, a teaser trailer for Sniper Elite V2, and much more!
READ MORE >Daily Filter: August 5, 2011

Today's Filter features a multiplayer trailer for Driver: San Francisco, two new trailers for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a story trailer for Rage, new screenshots from Dishonored, and much more!
READ MORE >Daily Filter: August 2, 2011

Today's Filter features a behind-the-scenes look at the gunplay of Bodycount, a sneak peak at Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, new screenshots for Need for Speed: The Run, along with new gameplay and screenshots for Hard Reset.
READ MORE >"The Hard Reset gallery reminds me a lot of Unreal Tournament 3. Is it based on the Unreal engine ..."
see all 3 commentsDaily Filter: July 29, 2011

Today's Filter features a developer walkthrough for Star Wars: The Old Republic, two new trailers for F1 2011, a teaser trailer for Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai, and a gameplay trailer for Bodycount.
READ MORE >Daily Filter: July 26, 2011

Today's Filter features a smoldering new trailer for NBA JAM: On Fire Edition, a headless Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack! video, and a genetically altered Awesomenauts character introduction.
READ MORE >Daily Filter: July 25, 2011

Today's Filter features an announcement trailer for Global Resistance, four new character vignettes for Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, and several behind-the-scenes videos for X-Men: Destiny.
READ MORE >"cool video on how they did the sodes for firefall its alway intresting to se how it is made not ..."
see all 8 commentsResident Evil 4, Code: Veronica X HD coming in September

Capcom announced release dates for the two HD Resident Evil remakes: RE4 on September 20, and Code Veronica X on September 27. The two will be available both in retail stores and as digital downloads.
READ MORE >"can't wait for code veronica, this time I'll get off that fucking plane"
see all 9 commentsTwisted Metal retooling for M rating

David Jaffe revealed at Comic Con this weekend that the ESRB balked at putting a T-rating on Twisted Metal due to its inclusion of violent live-action video. In response, Eat Sleep Play is retooling to take advantage of its newfound M-rating.
READ MORE >"Is there any info on why he doesn't want a collectors edition? "
see all 5 commentsGears of War 3 has 'casual' mode

Gears of War 3 will offer a casual mode with aim assist for new players, but experienced players with Achievements in previous Gears games will have the mode locked out for them.
READ MORE >"Why the hell would you want to lock this feature away. Seems pointless to me. Nothing wrong ..."
see all 16 commentsDaily Filter: July 22, 2011

Today's Filter features a walkthrough of Call of Duty Elite, a cinematic trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a story trailer for Prototype 2, a ridiculous Saints Row: The Third trailer, and a new developer diary for Rage.
READ MORE >Sideway: New York for PS3 gets trailer, turns heads

Playbrain has released the first trailer of its puzzle-platformer Sideway: New York, and announced that the game is playable this year at Comic Con..
READ MORE >Resistance 3 beta in August, browser tie-in now live

At a San Diego Comic Con panel, Sony announced the beta for Resistance 3 will release in early August, and a browser-based companion strategy game has already gone live in beta.
READ MORE >"Oh so this is all Xav's fault? You just had to say so. WTF XAV!? Get it together man!"
see all 6 commentsDaily Filter: July 21, 2011

Today's Filter features a new trailer for DC Universe Online, a cinematic trailer for Starhawk, a comic for SSX, a gruesome trailer for The House of the Dead: Overkill - Extended Cut, and lots of Street Fighter X Tekken footage.
READ MORE >Batman: Arkham City to have downloadable 'episodes'

Batman: Arkham City will have downloadable episodes, according to Batman voice actor Kevin Conroy.
READ MORE >"based on the quality of batman:aa... i'm already salivating at the chance to buy these"
see all 16 comments
"Man.. that Rage trailer just gets better the more I watch it. This might be the first game I ..."
- Gwyndion see all 5 comments