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Sportsfriends coming to PS4 in 2014
Sportsfriends, a magical collection of sports-themed local multiplayer games, is also coming to PlayStation 4. Featuring Johann Sebastian Joust, Super Pole Riders, BaraBariBall, and Hokra, the four games are finally nearing completion.
READ MORE >Octodad: Dadliest Catch adds PlayStation Move support
If Octodad movements still feel a little too conventional for controller users, Young Horses wants to introduce motion control to the equation, announcing PS Move support for the upcoming Dadliest Catch.
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Sorcery launch trailer
Posted May 22, 2012 9:32am PDT - 7,832 viewsSorcery puts the power in the players' hands using the PlayStation Move motion controller and letting them conjure and command powerful magic as they brave the dark world of the Faerie Kingdoms.
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Okami HD Tokyo Game Show 2012 trailer
Posted Sep 20, 2012 4:02am PDT - 110 downloadsWield the mighty Celestial Paintbrush with your PlayStation Move controller in this revamp of Clover's widely-adored Okami.
Sorcery launch trailer
Posted May 21, 2012 5:11pm PDT - 99 downloadsSorcery puts the power in the players' hands using the PlayStation Move motion controller and letting them conjure and command powerful magic as they brave the dark world of the Faerie Kingdoms.
"haha yeah, i have it and it just sort of sits there... 2 of them too"
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