Phil Fish News


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Fez creator working on two games

By Steve Watts, Jul 02, 2012 12:30pm PDT

Phil Fish has said he's gone back to two projects that were in the works before Fez, but hasn't decided which one to pursue yet.


"You end up buying that many games on the steam sale that you don't get around to play half of ..."

- WootheDave see all 8 comments

IndieCade 2011: Fez

By Jeff Mattas, Oct 19, 2011 3:30pm PDT

We finally get our hands on the platforming adventure Fez at IndieCade 2011, and chat with developer Phil Fish about the game's inspiration and evolution.


"Actually, Fish expects it to launch sometime in January or February, depending on Microsoft ..."

- Jeff Mattas see all 18 comments

IndieCade 2011: Award winners and inventive cooperation

By Jeff Mattas, Oct 09, 2011 10:00am PDT

Two remaining IndieCade 2011 awards are due this evening, but we've got the near-final list of winners so far, along with a few words about some co-operative stand-outs.


"ITT: More awesome-looking games that make me jealous of people who can play 2D/side-scrollers."

- tw3kr see all 2 comments

Indie Jeff's Guide to IndieCade 2011

By Jeff Mattas, Oct 08, 2011 8:00am PDT

Indie Jeff offers his guide on what to see and do at IndieCade taking place this weekend in Culver City in Los Angeles.


"Johann Sebastian Joust. Not exactly a video game per se, but incredibly awesome nonetheless."

- Jeff Mattas see all 4 comments