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PlayStation 3 'Other OS' lawsuit dismissed

By Alice O'Connor, Dec 13, 2011 1:15pm PST

Twenty months after Sony disabled the PlayStation 3's 'Other OS' feature, which allowed users to install and run Linux, a US federal court has dismissed the class action suit filed against Sony in protest.


"What about Blu-ray playback? Some of the new Sony movies out now won't play unless you update ..."

- kn0w1 see all 18 comments

Sony Moves to Dismiss Other OS Class-Action Lawsuit

By Brian Leahy, Sep 20, 2010 1:00pm PDT

Sony has filed a motion to dismiss the class-action lawsuit, which was filed back in April against Sony over the removal of "Other OS" support on...


"Ah, but you can put any OS you like on the computer, as long as it's compatible. Sony just ..."

- SeraphielX see all 26 comments

Report: Hacker Restores Linux Support to PS3

By Brian Leahy, Apr 07, 2010 5:30pm PDT

On April 1, Sony removed Linux support on the PlayStation 3 through the OtherOS feature with a firmware update. Before the firmware was live,...


"Yes, I know that it doesn't require linux. F@H isn't the only one scientific use."

- taczbr see all 108 comments

Next PS3 Firmware Update Removes Linux Support

By Alice O'Connor, Mar 29, 2010 7:23am PDT

The PlayStation 3 will lose the ability to install and run other operating systems--such as Linux--with the release of the v3.21 firmware update on...


"and you will probably lose the partition in time space.. so 10gb off your disc for nothing..."

- menekis see all 64 comments