Killzone: Shadow Fall review: half-bred

Ultimately, Killzone: Shadow Fall once again falls short of the lofty expectations placed upon it.
READ MORE >Killzone: Shadow Fall launch trailers show off story and tech

Two new launch trailers for Killzone: Shadow Fall have released, one setting the stage for the game's story and another showing off the technical side of the PS4 launch title.
READ MORE >"I'm sure there are big events, but there was a video going around a month or so ago showing how ..."
see all 6 commentsKillzone: Shadow Fall video shows combat flexibility

A video of Killzone: Shadow Fall in action shows off different combat styles by running through the same encounter four times, with variations on the level of aggression versus stealth.
READ MORE >"I was feeling burned out on Killzone until I tried Mercenary on the Vita - they removed the ..."
see all 9 commentsKillzone: Shadow Fall requires 7.5GB initial download before play

Through a feature Sony is now calling "PlayGo," you'll be able to select which part of the game you'd like to download first--single or multiplayer--and then play the game as it downloads. But, it won't be as immediate as many had imagined. For example, Shadow Fall will stil...
READ MORE >"Max Payne 3 is 30GB. Also blu-rays are 25GB max if I recall. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think ..."
see all 16 commentsLook at the graphics of this Killzone: Shadow Fall story trailer

Sony and Guerrilla Games have released a "story trailer" for Killzone: Shadow Fall. And sure, you're totally going to be watching it for the story,...
READ MORE >"Eh it looks good, but we arent going to see true next gen imagery for another 3-5 years."
see all 16 commentsKillzone: Shadow Fall has no multiplayer vehicles at launch, co-op, or split-screen

A Q&A about Killzone: Shadow Fall has revealed that it has no co-op campaign or split-screen support, and vehicles won't be available in multiplayer at launch.
READ MORE >""release a game in pieces" <> Pay for a game in pieces unfortunately. (I agree with your ..."
see all 9 commentsKillzone: Shadow Fall's season pass focuses on co-op

All multiplayer maps for Killzone: Shadow Fall will be free. But that's not stopping the game from having a Season Pass.
READ MORE >"Done paying for DLC a head of time, been burned to many times."
see all 3 commentsKillzone: Shadow Fall features 1500 challenges

Guerrilla Games explains the new challenge-based multiplayer progression in Killzone Shadow Fall, and how that impacts the use of bots.
READ MORE >"What other console games have had bots for their MP mode? I can't really recall any."
see all 6 commentsKillzone: Shadow Fall to offer free DLC multiplayer maps

Killzone: Shadow Fall's multiplayer mode has come to Gamescom, along with the announcement that any DLC multiplayer maps will be offered at no extra cost.
READ MORE >"That cool. For all the people that hate on companies charging for DLC, you should be applauding ..."
see all 2 commentsKillzone: Mercenary open beta in late August

The bar for multiplayer FPSs on handhelds must be pretty low, but bless 'em, developers will keep on trying. The next big handheld FPS on the horizon is Killzone: Mercenary for Vita, and come "late August" all and sundry will be able to give the multiplayer a go when it ente...
READ MORE >Killzone: Mercenary closed beta sign-ups open

Sony has opened up the closed beta sign-ups for Killzone: Mercenary. You have until next Wednesday at 2 PM PT to sign up for a shot at entry.
READ MORE >"Thanks for the tip, I signed up right away. I'm looking forward to playing a solid shooter on ..."
see all 2 commentsKillzone: Shadow Fall pre-order bonuses revealed

Pre-ordering Killzone: Shadow Fall gets the Shadow Pack, which includes three skins for the new OWL drone, a special victory move to hold over your victims in multiplayer, and the soundtrack for the game.
READ MORE >PlayStation Home giving away E3 goodies, including Killzone Mercenary beta access

Uh-oh, somehow Sony has made it tempting to step into PlayStation Home by offering tons of rewards for participating.
READ MORE >Killzone: Mercenary multiplayer modes detailed

Guerrilla Games has detailed the multiplayer modes and maps for Killzone: Mercenary, the Vita game hitting this fall.
READ MORE >Killzone: Mercenary shoots onto Vita on September 10

Vita-exclusive FPS Killzone: Mercenary has a new release date: September 10th. Now, it won't get killed by GTAV.
"I find the story telling and voice acting is really good this time around. Tell me you don't ..."
- JeanLucAwesome see all 24 comments