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So, what's new in CryEngine 3?

As with all engines, CryEngine gets updated all the time. We met up with Crytek at GDC to see what shiny new bells and whistles they've added to their engine.
READ MORE >CryEngine 3 trailer shows off shiny Crysis 3 tech

At this early hour of the morning, treat your brain to what it really wants--to stare blankly at pretty things which require no processing or thought. Huzzah, then, for a new trailer from Crytek showing off CryEngine 3, its cross-platform engine powering Crysis 3 and other g...
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see all 42 commentsLatest Files
CryEngine 3 August 2012 trailer
Posted Aug 10, 2012 4:43am PDT - 472 downloadsA look at the shiny shiny tech powering Crysis 3.
CryEngine Cinebox debut trailer
Posted Aug 09, 2012 4:33pm PDT - 503 downloadsCinebox gets previewed as games and movies converge.
"Agree. Lens flare has never been an attractive or logical effect. I don't get lens flare in my eyes."
- pizzaput see all 7 comments