AirDrop Gaming planning second-generation HipShotDot and more accessories

HipShotDot is one of the most ingenious video game peripherals ever made. And there's more to come from its creator at Airdrop Gaming.
READ MORE >Razer proposes PC upgrade subscription service for Project Christine

"Instead of having to pay thousands of dollars in a single shot, there could be a standard subscription fee and you could have always, at any point of time, the best possible PC."
READ MORE >"I'm not as cynical as everyone else on this thing. $45/mo would be a sweet spot, I'd buy."
see all 22 commentsVirtuix Omni preview: eyes-on with full-body virtual reality

Virtuix Omni, a Kickstarted treadmill for gamers, allows gamers to run around in virtual reality worlds--without walking into a wall. It may seem odd, maybe even silly at first, but seeing it in action has made me a believer.
READ MORE >"I just came across someone on Youtube using this and Rift for Minecraft. While I wouldn't really ..."
see all 16 commentsOculus Rift's latest prototype tackles simulator sickness, adds positional tracking

At CES, Oculus unveiled "Crystal Cove," the latest version of its Rift headset.
READ MORE >Razer envisions plug 'n play PC upgrades with Project Christine

One of the coolest things we've seen at CES this year was Razer's "Project Christine." Razer wants to make a modular gaming PC, one that fully embodies the idea of plug 'n play.
READ MORE >"I think Razer as a company has lost its way, and is desperately searching for a disruptive ..."
see all 9 commentsPlayStation Now preview: hands-on with Sony's cloud game streaming

Perhaps the biggest news from Sony's CES press conference this morning was the announcement of PlayStation Now...
READ MORE >"Thinking over this I'm wondering now if the next round of consoles were 100% streamed, if that ..."
see all 17 commentsPlayStation Now game streaming to begin closed beta this month

Today during its CES keynote, Sony announced PlayStation Now. The apparent culmination of its Gaikai acquisition, it will offer rentals and a subscription model to bring PlayStation games to various devices. A closed beta is planned for January.
READ MORE >"I honestly don't see how my future where the games are available is shittier than the future ..."
see all 65 commentsPlayStation 4 has sold over 4.2 million consoles

When Microsoft boasted yesterday that it sold over 3 million Xbox Ones in 2013, it seemed inevitable that Sony would quickly follow with yelling about its own success. During its CES 2014 keynote today, Sony declared that it had sold-through over 4.2 million PlayStation 4 co...
READ MORE >"What it means is that both consoles are selling several times faster than any previous console ..."
see all 87 commentsLive from Valve's CES 2013 press conference

We're reporting live from the Palms Hotel in Las Vegas, where Valve is throwing a pre-CES press conference to talk all things Steambox.
READ MORE >"I'll be content so long as that controller gains some mainstream support."
see all 110 commentsDish app brings live TV and DVR to PS3 and PS4

Dish subscribers will soon be able to use their PS3 and PS4 consoles to access live TV and DVR recordings.
READ MORE >Steam Machines available to purchase by the end of January

Steam Machines will be launching at the end of this month. And at least one of them will include both Windows and SteamOS.
READ MORE >"I don't want one. I'm very happy to see them. I feel like its a very smart move, but will pay ..."
see all 20 commentsSteam Machine partners include Alienware, Falcon Northwest, Origin

While Valve has made its own prototype, the official Steam Machine roll-out will be dependent on the efforts of Valve's third-party partners.
"I don't quite understand this - Does it hack the software or does it just show you the exact ..."
- clashcity76 see all 15 comments