Alexander Bruce News


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Antichamber coming January 31

By Steve Watts, Jan 18, 2013 10:00am PST

Antichamber is set to finally come out on January 31. The "psychological exploration" puzzle game has been honored with more than 25 awards from various indie festivals.


Antichamber scores Indie Fund backing

By Alice O'Connor, Apr 03, 2012 6:00am PDT

Non-Euclidean puzzler Antichamber has been confirmed as the seventh game to receive Indie Fund backing, a month after it lifted the IGF 2012 award for Technical Excellence.


"What are the other indie games aside from Qube and Dear Esther?"

- Mecha Tofu Pirate see all 2 comments

IndieCade 2011: Antichamber

By Jeff Mattas, Oct 28, 2011 5:15pm PDT

We get our hands on the abstract first-person puzzle game Antichamber at IndieCade 2011, and pick developer Alexander Bruce's brain about its development and unique presentation.


"This page also includes a game title "A Flipping Good Time" which Mattas may have mentioned in ..."

- RuffasBluetain see all 4 comments

Antichamber dev discusses modifying the Unreal Engine

By Jeff Mattas, Oct 27, 2011 7:45pm PDT

Antichamber developer Alexander Bruce discusses how he modified Unreal Engine 3 to achieve his game's unique visual style.


"ok so that's two games that use UE3 that look dramatically different. kudos to you, alexender"

- ETPC1 see all 4 comments

Indie Jeff's Guide to IndieCade 2011

By Jeff Mattas, Oct 08, 2011 8:00am PDT

Indie Jeff offers his guide on what to see and do at IndieCade taking place this weekend in Culver City in Los Angeles.


"Johann Sebastian Joust. Not exactly a video game per se, but incredibly awesome nonetheless."

- Jeff Mattas see all 4 comments