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  • 07/16/2006 Registered
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Shacknews Game Jam Fall Theme:

_ _ _ _ _

Dating in your late 40s is a nightmare.

I saw "Beetlejuice: The Musical" a couple weeks ago and I can honestly say that Boebert video, while inappropriate for children, is hardly the weirdest thing to happen during the play. That said, there's a line about a Republican congressman early on in the play that definitely will have new resonance.

Lunch date tomorrow. Coworkers in town all week. Today is laundry day. Tonight is Les Miserables on stage.

Just got $2.06 in dividends from Microsoft.

Heading back to Vegas tomorrow morning.

This is fine.

So, plan this week:

Monday: Travel
Tuesday: Universal Orlando VIP
Wednesday: Halloween Horror Nights
Thursday: Pool, Dinner At Mythos
Friday: Travel
Saturday: Les Miserables

I'm going to be going to Orlando on Monday.

Hello, Meet Lola