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  • 11/05/2019 Registered
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It's late and you should go to sleep, but inquiring minds need to know: What happens if you use the Infinity Gauntlet to sack tap someone? Does it erase one of their balls from existence? Do you have to be thinking about their balls for it to work that way when you do it?

It's late and you should go to sleep, but inquiring minds need to know: What happens if you use the Infinity Gauntlet to sack tap someone? Does it erase one of their balls from existence? Do you have to be thinking about their balls for it to work that way when you do it?

Got eclipse pictures for anyone who wants to see!

Got eclipse pictures for anyone who wants to see!

Heaven help the characters in Dragon’s Dogma 2 who choose to fight me, are able to be picked up and thrown, and sealed their fate near any given body of water.

A fuffy lil bear for your weekend

A fuffy lil bear for your weekend

A gem from my #GuiltyGearStrive interview: Producer Ken Miyauchi says they'd eventually like to bring every Guilty Gear character to Strive, as long as players support the game. That support is how ABA made it in. #GGStrive

Find someone who loves you as much as Birdy likes shooting people in X-men Vs Street Fighter for Sabertooth, a 6’6” muscle truck fully capable of tearing people apart with his bare hands.

Find someone who loves you as much as Birdy likes shooting people in X-men Vs Street Fighter for Sabertooth, a 6’6” muscle truck fully capable of tearing people apart with his bare hands.

It’s late and you should go to sleep, but you can’t help but think that Ripley and Kraid, after being blasted to “death” about 4 or 5 times by Samus, might have considered trying diplomacy on the 5th or 6th time… before being blasted to “death” again.

It’s late and you should go to sleep, but you can’t help but think that Ripley and Kraid, after being blasted to “death” about 4 or 5 times by Samus, might have considered trying diplomacy on the 5th or 6th time… before being blasted to “death” again.

Thank you, Town Guard Mage. Very helpful. #DragonsDogma2

Have you ever been minding your own business, buying potions and produce in the market square when suddenly AN EFFING OGRE KICKS DOWN THE FRONT GATE?! OH GOD IT’S JUMPING ON APPLE STALLS AND PUNCHING QUEST GIVERS. IT PICKED UP A REGULAR GUY AND RAN AWAY. HELP ME SER BRANT. #DragonsDogma2

White House Reborn stage + Potemkin’s “Engage” theme from Xrd is the optimal Guilty Gear Strive match hype environment. Accept no less.

Hello, Meet Lola