All(?) of your questions answered about the weekly Wreckfest Wednesday (and sometimes Saturday) Shackbattles!


Wreckfest is a car racing and demolition game where luck and skill are needed to come out on top, and for over a year, a rotating crew of folks has been spending their Wednesday nights playing it.

fadetofunk hosts the games on House of Funk which he spins up at game time. The password is our usual -- boxcar.

We play from 9PM Eastern Time - ??? (usually peters out by 11pm)

For voice, join The Chatty Discord Server. If you're not already a member, you can join at https://discord.gg/TheChatty. During the game, we all join the  #SHACKBATTLE voice channel.

What do I need to play?

  1. A vanilla copy of Wreckfest on Steam. No additional DLC is required to play in the Shackbattles. 
  2. The free mod Pete's Tracks installed from the Steam Workshop

To find the best deals on the game, you can visit https://isthereanydeal.com/game/wreckfest/info/ 

The most important things to know:

  • Every track is available to owners of the base game.
  • There are plenty of cars in the base game (more on cars below). 

Is there cross-play?

Nope. The Steam version of the game is required for Wreckfest Wednesday.

The Steam version is not compatible with any of the console versions, and not even compatible with the Game Pass version available for play in Windows. 

What Cars are available?

Wreckfest has a ton of cars, and players earn XP that can be spent on purchasing new cars while playing in all single- or multi-player modes. 

The basic categories of cars are:

  1. Loaner cars
    These cars are available to every player of the game. The only caveat to loaner cars is that players using them can't upgrade their performance in any way. 

  2. Cars unlocked by playing the base game
    Some cars are earned at certain points in the single-player game

  3. Cars unlocked by purchasing them using XP
    XP is earned whether you're playing in single-player or multiplayer modes, so even if one only plays during the Shackbattles, they'll earn XP that they can use to buy cars in the garage

  4. Cars unlocked in Tournament Mode
    There is a single-player Tournament Mode where you earn in-game tournament currency that can be used to buy ridiculous vehicles like the Super Venom (which almost all of us break out at some point during Wreckfest Wednesdays). To earn tournament bucks, you have to grind a bit and play the single-player daily/bi-weekly/monthly tournament races that are available in the game.

  5. DLC
    There are a bunch of three-car car packs, that are also available to season pass owners. Most of the vehicles are serious pay-to-lose like the outhouse with a motor. 

The Wreckfest Wiki has more info and ugly photos if that's your thing: https://wreckfest.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Vehicles 

Is there an easy way to unlock all the cars? 

If you don't feel like grinding through the game to unlock cars for use during Wreckfest Wednesday, there has been a steady stream of unlock mods on the Steam Workshop that will help you do this.  The current hotness appears to be Give Me Every Car And Part . This will unlock all of the base game  vehicles and parts, and does not include Tournament or DLC vehicles.  

If you use this mod, definitely let wendigo know during the Shackbattle. He'll be thrilled to hear it*.

* I'm kidding - he hates to hear that people use it, so definitely let him know to ruffle his feathers and make me laugh ;)

Setting up Workshop mods

If you get an error when connecting to a Wreckfest multiplayer server about a client mismatch or something to that effect, it's one of three things:

  1. Wreckfest has a Steam Update -- quit the game and whack the update button in Steam.
  2. You're not running the right mods to connect to the chosen server.
  3. Your files got goofed up and you have to verify your files in Steam.

The second one happens when you don't have Pete's Tracks enabled in the Mods tab of your Wreckfest settings.  You'll want to make sure that you only have the mod(s) that we're running checked, then restart your game for the change to take effect.  

If you want to connect to other servers that aren't running Pete's Tracks, you'll have to disable Pete's Mods before connecting or you'll get the error again. It's annoying.  

Dumb Memes

From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola