A trip down memory lane- Super Mario

A trip down memory lane- Super Mario

Let's take a trip down memory lane with a certain plumber from Brooklyn.



Last month I wrote a look back on some of my Pokémon memories. This month I'm going to tell ya about my fondness for a certain plumber from Brooklyn that wears red overalls. His name is Mario and he is my best friend.

Memories of the Mushroom kingdom date back to my younger days, playing the NES version with my parents and brother. Unlike  most younger brothers I got to play as Mario and my older brother was Luigi. My brother says I was too young to even know what I was doing but we still played together as a family. Next up is my favorite Mario game, Super Mario 3. I would play Mario 3 for hours and hours and to this day, still try to complete a "no powers" run of the game. It's always fun to find new ways to play classic games.

Super Mario RPG for the SNES is one of the first games I ever bought with my own money. When you're a young kid, being able to purchase something with your own money is always a big deal and Mario RPG was one of the first for me. Mario 3D Land was one of the first games I received early to review in the 3DS days. For those who are unaware, Nintendo doesn't send out their review copies to just anyone and while I was writing for a "pro-Nintendo" site at the time, I was able to review one of the best 3DS games on the system. Another Mario 3D Land memory I have is getting to attend the Super Mario 3D Land event in New York City. It allowed people to play the game as well as jump around in a Mushroom Kingdom area similar to the 3D Land levels. It was really fun and I got a tanooki ears and tail to have and still have to this day. I've had people want to buy them but they're not for sale.

I'm almost done sharing some of my Mario memories so stay tuned a little while longer. Being at E3 the year Super Mario Odyssey was playable was great as it's one of my favorite Mario games. Getting a Nintendo 64 at Christmas and playing Mario 64 was great too as well as getting Mario Sunshine and the Toys R Us beach towel they gave away with the preorder for my birthday that year.

Mario will always be one of my favorite franchises. This is going to wrap up another "trip down memory lane" and make sure you leave a suggestion for the next installment!

From The Chatty
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