How To Spot A Bad Card in Disney's Lorcana

How To Spot A Bad Card in Disney's Lorcana

"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun."


Disney & Ravensburger's newest card game is taking the world by storm. Lorcana can be an amazing experience for veterans of TCGs (trading card games) or newcomers alike. So for today, I'll walk you through how to spot a "bad" card. Now before we begin, just because I called a card "bad" doesn't necessarily mean it's worthless. Newcomers to TCGs have heard about a card's value, that's not its resale value, but its tabletop value. This is determined by what it brings into the deck. Cards that have high value are generally better to use and should be put into your deck, making other cards that do something, but maybe not as well; therefore they have less vaule in your deck, making them "bad". Let's start off by having some comparison in card value.

Here we have a character card 'Gaston - Baritone Bully.' It’s a 3/3, 3-cost card that’s inkable and counts as a Singer 5, meaning he can sing songs that cost 5 or under by exerting him. At a glance, not a bad card right? Well, in hindsight, it is. Now let's take a look at the character card ‘Ariel - Spectacular Singer,’ a 2/3, 3-cost character card that’s inkable.

She has the ability ‘Singer 5,’ however, she also has an ability called “Musical Debut” which allows her to reveal the top 4 cards of your deck and put a song you find into your hand when she comes into play. Ariel is more valuable and better than Gaston in this case.

“But Greg, Ariel is a Super Rare and Gaston is an Uncommon, so it should be better.” While the rarity of a card certainly can play a part in its value on the table, it’s not always 100% the case. In this specific instance, looking at the 2 cards by themselves, Ariel is better than Gaston, hands down due to her tabletop vaule just being better. I hope you enjoyed this little guide about looking at the value of a card. Looking forward to writing about Lorcana on Shacknews Cortex.


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