Some thoughts on the Stevetendo show

Some thoughts on the Stevetendo show

The year that was for a certain Shack program.


As we approach the end of 2022, one could say it has been an interesting year to say the least. PAX East returned after a hiatus from Covid-19. That being said, it was fun to get back to the Boston Convention center and you know that I'll be back there next year. The Mets made the playoffs, beit a brief stay. The Jets look to finally have turned the rebuild corner and the Devils are on fire right now. I would love to do an episode of the show from PAX East and E3 this coming year so you know bucket list stuff.

BUT enough about that stuff, you came here for one reason, the Stevetendo show recap special. We had our 200 episode this year and by all accounts, nothing is going to slow us down. The likes of Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Final Fantasy and more have been played on the show. Hell, we even played Pokemon Pinball on the show recently. There have also been the likes of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Golden Sun, and Kirby showing off. It was a great year for the show, even though we had minor tech problems there for about a week or so but we worked through them.

That being said, it's time to share with the crowds what goes into coming up with a Stevetendo show episode. Think of the Seinfeld episode where George and Jerry are pitching the pilot to NBC. What did you do today? Woke up and got the paper. That's a show. It couldn't be more simple for the Stevetendo show as well. We either continue going with a game or start something new. Most days, I don't think about what game to play until the afternoon.

However, the year is wrapping up so we have to decide if we're going out with a bang. That being said, I'm debating over if a role playing game will be a month long playthrough for the show, something I haven't really done before but this could be the perfect time to mess around with the idea. We have done mulitple days in a row but never a multiple week span. But don't worry, Legend of Zelda: Majora' s Mask will still be the Monday special and all this other stuff would be Tuesday/Wednesday night stuff. If you take one thing from this, it means I haven't come up with the December schedule but am close.

Games I'm kicking around for December on the show....

Paper Mario/Paper Mario TTYD

Pokemon of somekind, Maybe Violet

Mario RPG

If there's another RPG you want to suggest and it's on Switch Online, mention it. It has to be on Switch Online as it's easy to stream.


From The Chatty
  • reply
    November 27, 2022 6:28 PM

    Steve.T wrote a thing!

    Read more: Some thoughts on the Stevetendo show

    • reply
      November 27, 2022 6:59 PM

      I'm interested in Mario RPG - a game that shouldn't work but really freaking does.

      • reply
        November 27, 2022 7:13 PM

        And it spawned a whole genre of Mario RPGs with the Paper Mario RPGs and the GBA/DS Superstar Saga series.

        • reply
          November 27, 2022 7:19 PM

          I try to play Mario RPG once a year. This would be 2 times this year and that isn't a bad thing

      • reply
        November 27, 2022 7:18 PM

        I'm always up for Mario RPG, so that's in the running.

    • reply
      November 27, 2022 11:07 PM

      I'm actually here for three reasons, but you know, whatever.

      • reply
        November 28, 2022 2:13 PM

        3 reasons? Look at you Mr. Fancy

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