Looking ahead

Looking ahead

Things to look forward to soon.


If 2022 has you down, then I'll try and pick you up alittle bit by leting you know things that you can look forward to.

College Basketball had their national championship game this week and Kansas finally didn't choke in the tourney to win a title. That being said, the start of the Major League Baseball season is coming. You will hear me talk more about the Mets, both good and bad, on the Stevetendo show and my Twitter, if you follow me there.

That being said, PAX East is coming up soon as well. It will be interesting to see how well the convention scene is going to be moving forward. E3 is already cancelled for this year and we'll see if it's a dying animal going forward. Shack has already declared E3 dead but the ESA has said they plan to have E3 next year in person but we have heard that before. Back to PAX East, you would think  by all the social media chatter from people going, it should be pretty packed in terms of attendance. However by the looks of things, the first "real" convention out of Covid might not be as busy as we think.

Stanley Cup playoffs are going to start soon and that's the best time for hockey fans. Multiple hockey games on is the best but it will be another year my Devils don't qualify for the post season. They're a few pieces away so maybe next season.

Can't be on here and not talk about games right. Switch Sports comes out this month and the playtest session was pretty fun. Bowling against a ton of people in a playoff format was pretty cool but the sword-fighting game was awful. Maybe I just don't know how to fight witha sword but not knowing that is a good thing. I almost forgot that Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers edition comes out this month and when I play it on the Stevetendo show, cause that's coming, it will be my first time playing the game.

Now some Steve advice....

If you think you're sick, don't go out and interact with people. Get better first and then go hangout. If you test yourself and you're positive, really don't go out. The convention season is starting and people don't want to have their time ruined by some annoying people. People talerate getting regular colds from PAX but they don't want more than that.

The Mets will make the playoffs, one way or another this season.

Mellow out a little bit online.



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