Games I'm looking forward to

Games I'm looking forward to

Some of the games that are releasing this year that I'm keeping an eye out for!


It's a new year and that signals brand new games coming out over the course of the year. That being said, it gets ya thinking which games will be ones to keep an eye out for and which ones will I be staying away from. Let's get right to it!

The first game I'm looking forward to is Pokemon Legends: Arceus as I'm a big Pokemon fan. If you guys couldn't tell that I'm into Pokemon, then you haven't been watching the Stevetendo show recently. This game appears to take the Pokemon franchise in a different direction and makes it feel like an open world, exploration game. I have heard things online that it isn't as open world as we thought but from what we've seen, the game still looks pretty cool. I'm interested to see how what other regional Pokemon there will be as well as how they connect the "new" region to the Sinnoh region.

Next up is the new Kirby game for the Switch. Nintendo is channeling their inner ninja as they snuck the trailer onto the internet. One nice bit of info from that video was the release date. Kirby and the Forgotten Land will hit store shelves March 25th. That's way earlier than I thought but with the trailer coming, I thought the game could be close. That being said, I have been a Kirby fan for a long time. I can remember getting the original Game Boy and Kirby's Dream Land as a present years ago. Now the game is taking the open world mentality that so many games are taking now, which isn't a bad thing. Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda all have taken that open world like approach and it worked for them so why shouldn't Kirby try it? The game looks great thus far and we won't have to wait long to see it.

Next up are a few that you might have forgotten about since they're hasn't been much information. The Cuphead DLC, the Delicious Last Course and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge. I waited a long time to play Cuphead when it came to Switch and loved it. The classic beat-em-ups with the Ninja Turtles in them are some of the best games around. Maybe if this classic TMNT arcade game does well, we can get one for the Simpsons arcade game?

Lastly, I can't talk about potential games coming out this year without taling out Zelda. The Breath of the Wild sequel or whatever it's going to be called has to be one of the most anticipated games in quite some time. It will be interesting to see what direction the game goes as it looks like it will take some Skyward Sword stuff and bring it into the modern game. Could we see more dungeons this time around?

This post should have been called Nintendo games I'm looking forward to this year but what else would you expect from the host of the Stevetendo show!


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