GDC 2017: Exclusive Tobii VR Eye Tracking Demo and Interview

Tobii is a Swedish high-technology company that develops and sells products for eye control and eye tracking. Check out this exclusive interview from GDC 2017 about the latest implementation of Tobii technology in virtual reality.


Tobii has been at the forefront of eye tracking technology for years. We caught up with them at GDC 2017 to talk with them about how their technology can be implemented in virtual reality. Please take a look.

For more videos, including gameplay and interviews, visit the Shacknews and YouTube channels.

Follow Tobii on Twitter for the latest news on their eye tracking technology.

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Greg is the head of Video Production for Shacknews. If you've ever enjoyed a video on, it was most likely edited by him. Follow him on Twitter @GregBurke85

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