Final Fantasy VII Remake Key Art Revealed

I'd have rather had actual news on the game, but art is good.


During today's Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Celebration Opening, Square Enix released a Key Art image for Final Fantasy VII Remake. No actual news or release date was detailed for Final Fantasy VII Remake, but this picture looks good.

The image shows Cloud giving us the cold shoulder and letting us know he's way too cool to look at the audience, in front of the city of Midgar. Opposite Cloud, in the background, is our One-Winged Angel, and Cloud's partner in many lemon and shipping fanfics, Sephiroth. You can also see Shinra Tower and Mako Reactor #08 in the image, which maybe infers that we'll be able to resurrect Aeris(th) in Final Fantasy VII Remake, or not.

I'm personally paralyzed with anticipation for the Final Fantasy VII Remake, and every day we don't get news about it drives me a little closer to insanity. But hey, there's this picture, right?

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