Guitar Hero Live studio suffers layoffs

We guess the gaming world just wasn't ready for 'band-like' games to make a comeback.


Guitar Hero developer Freestyle Games have suffered approximately 50 redundancies, although Activision says the studio will not be shuttered.

Speaking with a source familiar with the situation, Eurogamer reports Freestyle Games’ staff entered a consultation period with Activision in February. The studio was home for over 100 staff, which means Freestyle Games has essentially lost half of its employees.

Activision has declined to put a figure as to how many employees have been affected, but it does say it is working with those redundancies to help them find work elsewhere within the company.

Both Guitar Hero Live and Rock Band 4 were expected to revitalize the music game genre, but considering both games sold poorly, we have a feeling it’ll be a couple of years until the games industry attempts to sell us a “band-like” experience.

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