Heroes of the Storm launches Recruit a Friend program; celebrating with 50% bonus XP week

Because two heads working together is always better than one.


Heroes of the Storm is holding a special Recruit a Friend event starting today that benefits both new recruits and recruiters as well.

All players will receive their own Recruit a Friend link, which is accessed by clicking the designated button at the bottom of their Friends List in-game or on the Recruit a Friend website. Recruiters will need to simply copy the link and share it with their friends who are new to Heroes of the storm, making those who follow your link your Recruits.

If you’re someone’s Recruit, you’ll unlock Raynor and a 5-day Stimpack once you log into the game. Once a Recruit reaches level 10, they’ll unlock Sylvanas and a Recruit a Friend portrait. Recruiters, on the other hand, will earn the special portrait once one of their Recruits reaches player level 10, and a Vulture Mount once at least four Recruits reach player level 10.

To celebrate the launch of Recruit a Friend, Heroes of the Storm will be holding a 50% bonus XP week starting today until December 16 in all regions. There will also be a 50% discount on all Heroes, Mounts, and Skins for the remainder of the year.

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