Torment site launches, preps for crowdfunding
InXile Entertainment has launched a new website for its spiritual successor to PlaneScape: Torment, and is already getting fan input about items they would like to see when the company eventually launches its Kickstarter campaign.
The humans of the Ninth World take and use what they can. They call these wonders (and horrors) the numenera. One of these humans discovers a way to use the numenera to grow strong, to cheat death, to skip across the face of centuries in a succession of bodies. But he discovers an unexpected side effect: You.Once fans sign up at the site, they can then vote on the perks that could be available once the Kickstarter for the game launches. This probably won't be for awhile, as inXile is currently working on its first successfully funded Kickstarter project, Wasteland 2.

A teaser image for the game from the web site
John Keefer posted a new article, Torment site launches, preps for crowdfunding.
InXile Entertainment has launched a new website for its spiritual successor to PlaneScape: Torment, and is already getting fan input about items they would like to see when the company eventually launches its Kickstarter campaign.-
Sounds cool. I'm really glad they're doing a spiritual sequel and attempting to make a franchise around RPGs handling philosophical topics. A direct sequel to Planescape would have been awful.
But I hope "What does one life matter?" doesn't mean "You're the most important person ever and it's up to you to stop the villain" like I'm reading the game description as.-
I disagree, I think most of us would kill for a sequel to planescape torment. If not the original character, at least the amazing setting. I am kind of pissed that they are using the name torment and slapping it on another game that has nothing to do with the planescape setting. Spiritual sequel and philosophical topics are just meaningless PR buzz words. The only reason they are using torment is to sucker in fans of the PST setting, just like SGU suckered in fans of stargate franchise into believing it was a stargate show when in reality it was melrose place in space. Also, saying the game focuses oh philosophical topics is meaningless, you could say that about any game that has ever been made. Meh, just bitter that there is not a true planescape sequel being made and every developer under the sun are screaming "HEY, MY GAME IS JUST LIKE FALLOUT...BUT DIFFERENT, OH, MY GAME HAS NEVERWINTER ELEMENTS...BUT IT DOESN'T, OH, WE HAVE TORMENT IN THE NAME...THE NAME!!!!". They know what we want some real sequels, but instead they want to create a new game and sucker in people with nostalgia into buying a new game.
I DO think the game will be good and it really did not need this bait and switch to sell it.-
The clear difference here from what you're trying to say they're doing is they're jumping into this INTENDING to make another Torment game, minus the license. They aren't making their own RPG and then retroactively trying to tie it into Planescape, it seems like they're making this from the ground up to be a sequel in every internal way but the actual universe.