Black Isle to publish new games based on classic Interplay IPs
It looks like games such as Planescape: Torment 2, Icewind Dale 3 and Baldur's Gate 3 could be on the drawing board for Black Isle Studios, according to a brief announcement on the release of the company.

Icewind Dale 2
John Keefer posted a new article, Black Isle to publish new games based on classic Interplay IPs.
It Looks like games such as Planescape: Torment 2, Icewind Dale 3 and Baldur's Gate 3 could be on the drawing board for Black Isle Studios, according to a brief announcement on the release of the company.-
Nope. They've just sat on the license for the entire goddamn life of 4E, which, regardless of how anyone feels about the ruleset, is pretty much objectively the most suited to digital adaptation in the history of D&D.
It's baffling to me that not a single game using 4E was developed and/or published, especially as RPGs have been becoming more accepted and mainstream. -
I'm sorry, but just because they have the name, doesn't mean they have any experience with those IPs. Everyone who did is now working elsewhere. So if WotC decided to give them a new license, or even renew an old one, it would essentially be no different than handing the IP to a brand new team. And if Interplay is resurrecting the Black Isle name in the hopes of grabbing those IPs, I hope that WotC flat out tells them no.
Unfortunately, I think some project has already been greenlit by WotC. Why else would Interplay resurrect the name at all? I can't see any good reason for it otherwise.
The whole thing just stinks of a desperate cash grab by a company that hasn't been relevant for over a decade. I just hope that any true fan of whatever series they plan on working on doesn't fall for cheap smoke and mirror tricks. Make sure that it's a quality product worth attention, not just an old name playing to our nostalgia. -
there is a lot of good news happening in the pc gaming sphere lately. it almost seems like the generation of gaming for dummies is coming to close. That's a bit optimistic as a blanket statement, but there decent is line being drawn where developers are finally joining the long time gamers in saying enough is enough with stupidity being the fundamental tenant of gaming.
"It really feels like getting the band back together..."
Yeah, if you were the bands road manager and didn't actually contribute to the music maybe. -
I don't understand why everyone's hating on this. Sure, it's not the original guys but if they actually make good, deep RPGs like Black Isle used to, who cares? If they're smart enough to understand what us fans of Black Isle want bring on the new games. If it turns out that it's dumbed down trash, THEN we have something to complain about.
Because they are making it sound like it's the original players who made Black Isle what it was when it has nothing to do with any of that other than the name. This is Interplay, they are the Chevy Chase of the video game industry..they used to be good, but have spent the past decade and a half wallowing in their own filth.
Would you rather the chance not even exist that they might put a team together with the goal of making good, deep RPGs? Sure, there's cause for skepticism and it should be understood that nearly none of the original employees are involved, but on the off-chance they actually do what they say they'll do and make black isle games this announcement isn't inherently a bad thing.
At least Bethesda isn't afraid to give a full size world and let players have freedom to play how they want. Bioware EA are the greedy controlling ones you should be hating on...
I will say in regards to Fallout that while I disagree with you since I thought Fallout 3 was very good, Obsidian is who got it perfect with New Vegas. It's too bad the critics didn't see it for the masterpiece it is.