XCOM: Enemy Unknown coming October 9, PC special edition announced
XCOM: Enemy Unknown will be available on PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 on October 9th. In addition, 2K Games is offering a special edition of Enemy Unknown to PC gamers.

Humanity is pretty much screwed
Andrew Yoon posted a new article, XCOM: Enemy Unknown coming October 9, PC special edition announced.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown will be available on PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 on October 9th. In addition, 2K Games is offering a special edition of Enemy Unknown to PC gamers.-
I think after the lukewarm reception the last gameplay footage got ("omg boring" people said but the game looked exactly like Mass Effect to play??) they're going back to the drawing board a bit. Also one of the leads quit a little while back didn't he?
One thing I hope they keep is the art style, the game is quite unique looking and I dug the characters. -
It's adorable how nervous/enthusiastic that dude is.
The game looks like it plays veeery smooth with that controller, and the presentational stuff is very cool. It's going to be interesting to see what happens with the 'tactical elements' of stuff like ME and Ubi's Tom Clancy games if this turns out to be a success.
Some "Hands On" from RPS
http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/05/22/hands-on-safety-off-xcom-enemy-unknown/#more-108657 -