Battlefield Heroes Open Beta Set for Summer

The open beta for DICE's free-to-play, micro-transaction and ad-supported Battlefield title will begin this summer, according to EA.

Publisher EA had previously expected Battlefield Heroes to be released no later than March 31. A large closed beta for the game is currently running. To appeal for a key, hit up the game's official site.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    April 17, 2009 6:52 AM

    If you are bored and want to play a game that's comparable to something you'd get in a box of Lucky Charms, go right ahead. It's insulting they'd even slap a Battlefield label on this drivel.

    • reply
      April 17, 2009 7:49 AM

      You seem to be summing up what I've heard others in the earlier Beta saying. Even if you assume bugs will be fixed, and you add in the fact that it's a free game, it still sound horrible and a waste of design effort for DICE.

      Hey DICE/EA, here's a novel idea for ya...why not get cracking on BF3 instead? K thx bye.

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