Lord British Interview


GameZone has posted the first part of their interview with Richard "Lord British" Garriot interview, offering it as an article format Q&A type dealie. While the first part is about Garriot's work in general, the second part will be about the upcoming Tabula Rasa.

From The Chatty
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    September 24, 2004 7:45 AM

    *swoon* Richard Garriott is pretty fucking cool.

    I really want to know more about Tabula Rasa. From what I saw in the preview movie, it looked....strange. So it has my interest peaked. From what Garriott says it sounds like it will have some fundanmental differences from other MMOs (at least I hope), so it could either do really well and be innovative or flop on the floor like a dead fish.

    Put up part 2 damnit!

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