James Bond Nightfire Interview


Computer & Video Games got to visit Electronic Arts recently and interviewed James Bond: Nightfire product manager Don Mesa and producer Michael Condrey about this upcoming first person shooter. There are a few non-platform specific questions, as well as questions about the differences between the PC and console version and things that make the PC version stand out from other first person shooters. Here's an interesting bit on the multiplayer options that Gearbox is putting in the PC version.

On the content side, you can do things like play in a lot of the classic Bond maps from all the last 20 films of Bond. You can play against Odd Job from Goldfinger in Fort Knox or against Jaws in the space station form Moonraker. We've also tried to do interesting things with gadget play, so you can use the Q-grapple or X-ray vision - all the things that make it feel like Bond. Then, of course, there're the modes, and we're doing Capture the Flag along with the Deathmatch stuff and we're also looking at doing things more Bond-specific.
Be sure to check out the Nightfire trailer.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    August 29, 2002 11:26 AM

    how about aztec from goldeneye ;(

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