Mark Rein Interview

As promised, HomeLAN Fed has posted the Mark Rein interview. Epic's VP discusses the Unreal franchise, answers questions about Unreal Tournament 2, Unreal 2 (pretty big news about the multiplayer part), the continued development of the Unreal engine, the Unreal Performance Test, and what's up with Epic's own game, among other things. Pretty informative read.

When Unreal Tournament 2 is released I think you're going to see mod makers taking to this engine like never before and I think you'll also see the engine being used for a lot more things outside of gaming. UT2 has 100 to 200 times the detail (on-screen poly counts) of the original game but, if you have the hardware to run it, there's nothing stopping you from creating content that's 1000 times the detail of UT, 2000 times or even more than that. That kind of hardware should be on store shelves and in consumers' hands before the end of 2002! So now all those interesting non-gaming uses that requires huge polygons counts have a game and a set of tools on which they can go to town. When the game gets released we'll not only release most of our tools along with it but we'll also release some of the documentation on the Unreal Developer Network. This not only has implications for Unreal Tournament 2 but also for Unreal 2 which is coming a few months later.

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