How to start A Realm Reborn - Final Fantasy 14
How to begin your adventure in Final Fantasy 14.
There is a lot to learn when starting Final Fantasy 14 for the first time. From tricky menus, to learning your job, it can be a bit overwhelming. Sometimes it’s even confusing on how to start the main quest and carry through it.
How to start A Realm Reborn

To start a Realm Reborn simply make your character and follow the main story. While it might be a bit confusing, A Realm Reborn is just the name of the base version of Final Fantasy 14. You are required to play through it to reach the other expansions like Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringers, and Endwalker.
As soon as you step into the world for the first time, you’ll be greeted by a bevy of cutscenes setting the stage and you’ll be given your first quest. That’s it, you’re in A Realm Reborn.
A Realm Reborn consists of 160 main quests to get through. Luckily, the game does a good job at signposting where you need to go next. At any point, just click on the quest name in the top left of the screen. This will open up your map and show you the exact location of your next main objective. These can range from talking to an NPC, to completing a dungeon or boss fight.
Your starting location will change depending on the job you choose. You’ll be in one of the three main cities, Ul’dah, Limsa Lominsa, or Gridania. It doesn’t matter which one you start in because all quests will eventually converge into the same spot. So just choose the job that is most appealing to your playstyle and hit the ground running.
For more tips and tricks about Final Fantasy 14 we have an entire hub page for everything you would need to know. Check it out.
Jesse Vitelli posted a new article, How to start A Realm Reborn - Final Fantasy 14