All four hidden Cactuar locations in Costa Del Sol - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
Eye spy with my little eye.
After you arrive in Costa Del Sol you’ll be tasked with a handful of different mini-games to afford some beachwear for Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. During the Aerith and Tifa section, you’ll need to track down four hidden Cactuar locations and snap a picture.
All four hidden Cactuar locations in Costa Del Sol
The first of the four hidden Cactuar can be found just south of your location. Follow the oceanline towards the entrance and you’ll find your middle manager pal scoping out near a red fire hydrant. Zoom in with your camera by hitting up on the d-pad and aiming at the red fire hydrant. You’ll find a small pink Cactuar on it. You may have to circle the hydrant to have the right angle.

After that, for the second Cactuar, head towards the Wild Run soccer field. Before reaching it look up at the cliffside to stop the next Cactuar. There are quite a few on the rocks, but you want the giant pink one. You may need to back up a bit to get the Cactuar in focus.

Now head back to the area where you began the challenge. However, head past it a bit and go for the docks. Stand on the edge of the rightmost doc and look toward the center. You’ll see the pink Cactuar on some debris. Focus up with your camera and snap a picture of the third cactuar.

The final Cactuar is found at the Surf and Suntan building up the street from the docks. The pink Cactuar will be on the left side of the word Suntan on the giant sign.

That’s everything you need to know about all of the four hidden Cactuar in Costa Del Sol. For more tips, tricks, and guides be sure to check out our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth guides hub.
Jesse Vitelli posted a new article, All four hidden Cactuar locations in Costa Del Sol - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth